Thursday, December 8, 2022



What is it?

How to start?

What it's purpose?

Is it my purpose?

What is MY purpose?

What is the Goal..

I don't know how to start. Have done blogs and videos and other kind of stuff back in the past. Always has this great idea or that thing I really want to get out of my chest. I sit in my sofa in the darkness, I start thinking, it comes in but never in written form. By the time I decide to start it on my computer, it just doesn't come.

I had this issue back in the days when I was walking in the streets and had that idea of writing about something. Thoughts always bothered me. I would come back to reach my PC, then I would get writer's block. When there is a flow of some interesting thoughts, they are in the moment, and you think you are onto something and it's very important and you have to write it. Then you forget about it.

I am planning to start another one (I tried this already 3 times, forming empty blogs or youtube channels that by now I must have deleted). I have a barrage of thoughts, not just today but for several months. And I think I need to write about the things I've found once again. I just need to find the right process. Else this will end up being another forgotten blog.

I am planning to combine this with another youtube channel I have ready. More like the same script spoken softly. There are certain channels that capture the style I want to lean. Just a simple spoken voice with something in the background, not sure what, I need to find a simple process with this so that it doesn't take me much time but still captures the feels.

I don't know if I can describe what this blog and channel will be about. I have snipset of ideas about some things I really want to talk about. They are obscure subjects not easily appealing in our social environment. They are not necessary controversial in the political sense but rather misfits in the social view of the world. They might even attack the human. The true reality out there, what I like to call the desert of the real, a term I've heard somewhere, is in a sense deeply antisocial. It's the things we humans don't like to hear. It's called the desert of the real because you won't find many humans surrounding their vicinity. You are alone there..

With that, I'll start this first post and hopefully I can also find the process and will to remake this in a video format. Hopefully I can get it through and make it a routine of posting the barrage of forbidden thoughts that are constantly incoming and need to be expressed.

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Chaotic plans and musings

 I still don't know how to start. Or is it just a train of thought that momentarily inspired me to write something? I want to see where ...